Consortium's partners
Partner del consorzio
The I-NEST consortium is made up of eight partners with complementary expertise and capabilities, which include:
- Two research institutes (CNIT, ENEA) which play the role of centers of techical competence for the hub;
- A public body (Unioncamere), which represents the Italian system of Chambers of Commerce and plays the role of interface with SMEs and other PAs;
- Two in-house companies of the chamber system specialized in innovation technology and digital innovation (DINTEC) and on the creation of digital services for Italians Chambers of Commerce (InfoCamere);
- A global provider of telecommunication (TIM);
- Two consultancy firms from Tinexta group, Warrant Hub e Co.Mark, specializing in finance for innovation, digital transformation and IT sustainable business development.
The I-NEST Consortium just listed makes available to businesses and the Public Administration - through its partners - a qualified team of experts and professionals. The following are immediately involved in the network:
- over 200 experts of digitalization that operate throughout the national territory making use of the network of Digital Enterprise Points of the Chambers of Commerce of Italy;
- over 1300 researchers which operate in the 41 Italian universities associated with the CNIT;
- over 1400 researchers of ENEA, the Italian Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development;
- around 200 researchers of the Technological Laboratories and the Innovation Directorate of TIM;
- corporate finance experts from Warrant Hub (WH) and Co.Mark